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About the Coffee Lounge

The coffee lounge is a virtual area, free tea, coffee and cake and somewhere to put the world to rights, get stuff off your chest or just talk about topical things and have fun. It's actually a forum, with different areas to talk about different things. Twitter and Facebook kind of killed the forum off when they became popular, but have now become dens of, well not quite iniquity, but full of hatred and bullying, so I think it's time to bring the forum back to life. Bonnie's Bazaar forum is called Waffles and is integrated into my online store. It's very secure, and anyone can join in. It will probably be very quiet to begin with until the community builds in numbers but hopefully it will be a super place to retreat and meet friends or make new ones, and there's just one rule! Be kind, respectful and polite to each other.

Introducing Waffles

Waffles is Bonnie's Bazaar forum, not necessarily for everything in my Bazaar, just a place to meet new friends, chat with old ones or talk about whatever you fancy.

The link is:

(coming soon)

There are set topics from General Discussion topics, DIY, Crafting, Music, TV, Gardening, whatever takes your fancy. Plus I'm open to suggestions for more.

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